Give a Tree Gift


Give a tree gift!

Trees benefit animals & people so why not give a tree gift? They come in all sizes, so there's no need to think you have to present them with an oak tree - you can find trees for all sorts of locations. Your tree gift is long-lasting, and everytime the lucky recipient looks at his or her tree, they will think of you!

The tree gift is perfect for many occasions - planting the root to a happy marriage for newly weds on their Wedding Day, starting off the seed to life and welcoming a new born to the world with a tree, being a way to remember someone special to a person after their death, anniversary gifts as couples remember the long happy years they have spent together (and the windier times they have stood strong against the elements of life and relationships...)

Where can you buy trees to send as a gift?

If you want a tree to send, make life easy for you, especially if your knowledge of trees is, well the size of an acorn. They are just like a florist - except they send trees rather than flowers. Amongst others, they have fruit trees, plants, citrus trees, native trees, truffle trees, native trees, topiary trees, unusual trees, large trees & trees in pots.  They've got a Find a Tree section to help you find the right tree or bush.  

How about giving a loved one a beautiful tree or bush?
This is a Star Jasmine Gift,
available from, 
perfect for climing a trelis or up a wall
with a great scent from the pretty flowers!

Trees as Conservation Gifts
You can support the Woodland Trust - you can buy small, medium and large trees online, as well as hedging trees to form hedges.  They also have Tree Mixes, such as the Traditional Hedge Mix, consisting of a small number of trees.  The Traditional Hedge Mix generally has Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Dog Rose and Field Maple, although all the tree mixes depend on the trees available. There are also Community Tree Packs, again with their own leaning such as the Wildlife Tree Pack which will help wildlife flourish.  These are perfect for communities.  You can also plant a tree and help the Woodland Trust turn bare land into a flourishing woodland, and there are also Dedications so that you can dedicate woodland or a tree. Visit the Woodland Trust shop here
The World Land Trust which is based in Suffolk but works with conservation organisations and groups around the world, gives you the opportunity to give a loved one an acre of rainforest, to plant a tree and to support various projects around the world.  Click here to find out more about the gifts available from the World Land Trust