Animal Adoptions from London Zoo
The world famous London Zoo and Whipsnade Zoohave superb gifts you can give animal and wildlife lovers..... you can adopt an animal for them and support ZSL's conservation efforts at the same time! See the adoptions here.
You can adopt a variety of animals - there are a number to choose from, including elephants, flamingoes, pangolins, red pandas, penguins, sloths, tigers, giraffes and lions.
Find out about the Giraffe Adoption
Adoptions help support the invaluable conservation work ZSL is doing around the world, and it also helps care for the animals at London and Whipsnade Zoos.
Adopt a Sloth!
Wildlife has never been under such threat, with threats including deforestation, habitat destruction, illegal wildlife trade and poaching. Animal adoptions are a great way to give a win-win gift which helps wildlife, helps ZSL continue their invaluable work, and give animal lovers an idea of how ZSL is helping to make a difference.
Adopt a lion
As well as adopting an animal as a virtual gift, don't forget to visit the zoos' fantastic online shop! It's got gifts for all the family, including Adopt an Animal! Go on the hunt for your gifts at