Sponsor a Bear
Are you looking for a gift for a bear lover, and for something which would be meaningful? Well, how about sponsoring a bear? Sponsor a bear or be a bear carer with Free the Bears, and you can help rescued bears in Vietnam, Leos and Cambodia and help ensure they have all the bear necessities a bear needs! A recent rescue involved a number of bear cubs in Laos after a wildlife trafficker was arrested.
It all started with a television programme... 25 years ago, an amazing woman from Australia called Dr Mary Hutton saw a TV programme with dreadful footage of moon bears in tiny cages, unable to move, with dirty catheters inserted into their gall bladder to “milk” their bile. Thousands of bears were being held throughout Asia in conditions like this, and they were frequently “milked” for their bile to be used in traditional medicines. Dr Mary Hutton decided to do something about it. The next day, she prepared a petition and stood outside a shopping mall, gathering signatures to help “Free the Bears”. She got thousands, and also a group of like-minded people who wanted to help the bears too. In 1995, Free the Bears Fund was registered as a not-for-profit charity in Australia. Charity No: A1004507U). Today, it is registered in the UK as well, Dr Hutton got to work to raise awareness about the plight of Asia’s bears. Word spread. Requests for help arrived. he rescued a pair of sun bears in Cambodia and knowing more bears needed help, she began to build the Cambodian Bear Sanctuary. Crucially, the sanctuary has also educated hundreds of thousands of Cambodians about the threats wild bears face, too. Today Free the Bears is still rescuing bears in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Over 25 years later ... Free the Bears now have sanctuaries in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Today, they have over 230 bears in these Sanctuaries who need all their bear necessities met - and more! Of course, like many charities the coronavirus halted many of the fundraising activities, so the charity is looking for other ways to rasie funds such as Night in a Cage, when fundraisers spend a night in a home-made cage to highlight the plight of captive bears and raise money for Free the Bears. Free the Bears have done wonderful work with the bears and there is much more to do. Please help and give a meaningful gift to the bear lover in your life by sponsoring a bear or becoming a bear carer. Help FreetheBears look after the bears in their care – and rescue more bears!
Visit Free the Bears' website here |