Craft Kits for nature lovers



There's nothing like having a go at something and being creative.  This year, I've done a few craft workshops to have a go at different crafts - calligraphy, watercolour painting and willow making.  The willow making - well, I was hopeless and will have to give it another go.  My bird feeder looked nothing like a bird feeder and it was the only one not to look like a bird feeder - everyone else seemed to have produced an excellent bird feeder.  But I've loved  all these workshops and want to keep treating myself to craft workshops as a special treat.  So give someone a go at being crafty and creative!  It's great fun!

This is the Woodland Craft Handbook

This is the Woodland Craft Handbook, and Woodsman Ben Law explores a diverse collection of crafts made from materials sourced directly from the woods!  There's information on the history and traditions of the crafts, coppice management, tree species and the tools and devices used - this is a great way to discover all about the low-impact woodland way of life.  Find out more and buy it here from from Natural Collection for £12.99.  
 This is the Beatrix Potter Needle Felt Craft Kit - Peter Rabbit
This is the Beatrix Potter Needle Felt Craft Kit
- Peter Rabbit,
just the thing for people
who love Beatrix Potter and crafts!
From Natural Collection for £17.47
(and here's the one for Mrs Tiggywinkle!)

 This is a Felt Craft Mini Kit - Folk Embroidered Peacock
This is a Felt Craft Mini Kit -
Folk Embroidered Peacock

- make your own!  
From Natural Collection for £10.36
 These Four Assorted Design Wooden Printing Blocks are from Paper High
These Four Assorted Design Wooden Printing Blocks
are from Paper High for £16.95.
Create stunning patterns on paper, card, or even fabric.
 Have a go at this DIY Dog Crochet Kit
Have a go at this DIY Dog Crochet Kit!   
Fetch more info from the Calendar Club - it's £9.99 - 
and there's one for cat lovers too!
There's a National Trust Mini Flower Press
There's a National Trust Mini Flower Press
Create some wild art with this flower press 
in a compact size 
which is perfect for children’s hands.
for £6.50 from the
National Trust Shop

This is Fingerprint Activities Animals

 This is Fingerprint Activities Animals for £9.99.
full of ideas for fingerprinting animals
from hedgehogs to crocodiles and koalas! 
 Find out more and buy it now from the RSPB